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FAQ of Eiger watch by JBC answers questions from the customers visiting our shop.


FAQ: Do you ship worldwide?


Yes! We ship worldwide! However, there are some locations we are unable to ship packages. If we cannot ship to your location, we will promptly contact you. Some products are unable to ship to certain locations due to license laws. If a product has such a location restriction, it will be stated on the product’s page.


How do you ship packages?


Packages from our warehouse in Switzerland are shipped via Swiss Post.


Do you provide tracking information?


Yes, you will receive an email once your order ships that contains tracking information.


Does offer shipping options other than Swiss Post for packages shipped from Switzerland?


Yes.  We might be able to ship your order via an alternate method. We welcome you to contact us for further details about how we can best assist you.


How much does shipping cost?


The shipping cost varies per product. We will send you the shipping costs once we receive your order.

Your country’s government may require customs taxes or other clearance fees to be paid before delivery. Local taxes and fees of this nature are not included in the shipping costs or Grand Total of your order. has no control over and is not able to provide compensation for customs taxes or any related local charges.


Once I have placed my order, how long does it take for it to be shipped?


Products that are currently in stock will ship within three business days. Pre-order products will ship upon their official release by the manufacturer. Made-to-order products will ship after they are produced. The amount of time needed to manufacture made-to-order products may vary depending upon the item.


How long does shipping take?


Shipping usually takes about 1-2 weeks, but varies by location. Shipping to Asia and Australia takes approximately 2 weeks. Shipping to North America and Europe takes approximately 1 week. Shipping to Central and South America takes approximately 2 weeks.


Will my entire order ship together in one shipment?


It is likely that your order will ship in multiple shipments, because we ship products of an order as they become available. For example, an order containing a pre-order product may be shipped in two different packages. The product in stock would be shipped right away when available in our warehouse, the made-to-order product item would be shipped after it is produced because this type of item is made to order, and the pre-order product would be shipped once it is released from the manufacturer.


Can you hold my order and ship it at a later date?


We cannot hold packages for shipment at a later date. If you foresee any potential delivery problems, we recommend contacting your local post office. By sharing your package’s tracking number with them, you can sometimes arrange to have your package delivered at a later date.


My package shipped, but my address has changed! What should I do?


We are unable to reroute packages that have already shipped. Please contact your local post office right away to request for the package to be rerouted. If they are unable to reroute your package and you cannot obtain it, it will be returned to’s warehouse in Switzerland.


Can you declare my order as a gift or lower the declared value?


We greatly appreciate you choosing to purchase from and would like to help you receive your purchases with ease, but we must follow the rules regarding retail companies sending international shipments. Therefore, we are unable to declare orders as gifts or lower their declared values.


How do I change my shipping address for an order that has not shipped yet?


To change your shipping address, please visit Your Orders page and press the “Change Shipping Address” button on the left side of the page. This will enable you to input new address information. The button will disappear if the shipment is already being processed, at which time it is no longer possible to change the shipping address.

If you wish to change the shipping name or country for a package, please contact us as soon as possible. Any relevant details you can share about the reason for changing the shipping name and/or country will enable us to process your request quicker.


Can I request for shipments to be combined?


It is not possible to combine separate shipments at this time.


My order is a gift. Can you make the packaging more discreet, leave out the invoice, or remove price tags?


Due to the requirements of international shipping, the value of the item must be included in Euros on the outside of the package. We must also include a packing invoice in every shipment.


Can you ship to US military (APO or FPO) addresses?


Any product that can be shipped to the United States can also be sent to a US military address. To ensure that your package is shipped as quickly and smoothly as possible, please follow the instructions below:

  1. First choose the United States as the country of your shipping address.
  2. Then select the correct Armed Forces location from the bottom of the state drop-down menu (Armed Forces Europe, Armed Forces Pacific, etc.).
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